
銷售熱線: 139 6410 5500

玻璃磚 Glass block

產品規格:Z190/190/80 145/145/80 

 產品型號:Z190/190/80 145/145/80 







      用透明或顏色玻璃制成的塊狀、空心的玻璃制品或塊狀表面施釉的制品。 目前市面上流行的玻璃磚,其品種主要有玻璃飾面磚及玻璃錦磚(馬賽克) 及空心玻璃磚等。 玻璃磚在裝修市場占有相當的比例,一般用于裝修比 較高檔的場所,用于營造琳瑯滿目的氛圍,另外,由于玻璃制品所具有 的特性,用于采光及防水功能的區域也非常多。  

      玻璃磚是用透明或顏色玻璃料壓制成形的塊狀,或空心盒狀,體形較大的 玻璃制品。其品種主要有玻璃空心磚、玻璃實心磚,馬賽克不包括在內。 多數情況下,玻璃磚并不做為飾面材料使用,而是做為結構材料,做為墻 體、屏風、隔斷等類似功能使用。玻璃磚在裝修市場占有相當的比例,一 般用于裝修比較高檔的場所,用于營造琳瑯滿目的氛圍,另外,由于玻璃 制品所具有的特性,用于采光及防水功能的區域也非常多。目前市面上流 行的玻璃磚,從類型上主要分實心玻璃與空心玻璃磚,其品種主要有玻璃 飾面磚及玻璃錦磚(馬賽克)及玻璃空心磚等。 

 常見規格: 常規磚 190/190/80mm 

小磚 145/145/80mm 

厚磚 190/190/95mm,145/145/95mm) 


      用透明或顏色玻璃制成的塊狀、空心的玻璃制品或塊狀表面施釉的制品。 目前市面上流行的玻璃磚,其品種主要有玻璃飾面磚及玻璃錦磚(馬賽克) 及空心玻璃磚等。 玻璃磚在裝修市場占有相當的比例,一般用于裝修比較高檔的場所,用于營 造琳瑯滿目的氛圍,另外,由于玻璃制品所具有的特性,用于采光及防水功 能的區域也非常多。 


常規磚 190/190/80mm 

小磚 145/145/80mm 

厚磚 190/190/95mm,145/145/95mm 

特殊規格磚 240/240/80mm,190/90/80mm 


      雖然都為裝飾材料,但目前市面上使用較常見的主要為玻璃空心磚,因為這 種產品可以獨立成墻體,不用依賴前面完成裝修,并且,在各個建筑位置上 基本上都可以看到玻璃空心磚的身影。近些年來,隨著2008水立方國家游泳 館的建成和2010上海世博會聯合館的大量應用,使得這個產品成為時下較為 熱門的內、外裝修材料。 


      目前市面上流行的玻璃磚,從類型上主要分實心玻璃與空心玻璃磚,其品種 主要有玻璃飾面磚及玻璃錦磚(馬賽克)及玻璃空心磚等。  


      飾面磚又叫做“三明治瓷磚”,設計靈感來源于三明治:它采用兩塊透明的 聚合材料制成的抗壓玻璃板做“面包”,中間的夾層,可以隨意搭配,放入 其他材料,這樣,整個飾面磚就活了起來,特別適合設計師的自由發揮。 玻璃飾面磚離不開墻體或者框架結構的依托,必須依靠某一載體才能使用, 因此,應用量不是很大,一般都用在家裝或者一些有特殊要求的娛樂場所等 地。 


      1.簡介 玻璃錦磚也叫玻璃馬賽克,玻璃錦磚是一種小規格的材料,主要運用在外墻面、 地面的裝飾。 

      2.規格 大小一般為20×20×4mm,背面略凹,四周側邊呈斜面,有利于與基面粘結牢固。 

      3.種類 它與陶瓷錦磚在外形和使用方法上有相似之處,有紅、黃、藍、白、金、銀色等 各種豐富的顏色,有透明、半透明、不透明等品種。 

      4.特點 玻璃錦磚的特點如下: 

      (1). 不吸水、表面光滑、便于清潔。 

      (2). 經濟、美觀、實用。 

      (3). 體積小、重量輕、施工簡潔方便。 


      實心玻璃磚由兩塊中間圓形凹陷的玻璃體粘接而成,目前而言,國內生產這種玻 璃磚的廠家都是小型作坊類廠家,由于這種磚質量比較重,一般只能粘貼在墻面 上或依附其他加強的框架結構才能使用,只能作為室內裝飾墻體而使用,所以用 量相對較小。 




       玻化磚,俗稱玻璃地磚,是通體磚坯體的表面經過打磨而成的一種光亮的磚,屬 通體磚的一種。 

      吸水率低于0.5%的陶瓷都稱為玻化磚,拋光磚吸水率低于0.5%也屬玻化磚(高于 0.5%就只能是拋光磚不是玻化磚),然后將玻化磚進行鏡面拋光即得玻化拋光磚, 因為吸水率低的緣故其硬度也相對比較高,不容易有劃痕。 


簡介 空心玻璃磚是一種隔音、隔熱、防水、節能、透光良好的非承重裝飾材料,由兩塊 半坯在高溫下熔接而成,可依玻璃磚的尺寸、大小、花樣、顏色來做不同的設計表 現。依照尺寸的變化可以在家中設計出直線墻、曲線墻以及不連續墻的玻璃墻。 

Product specification: z190/190/80 145/145/80
Product model: z190/190/80 145/145/80
Product type: ordinary/tempered
Product color: red - yellow - blue - white and so on
Date of manufacture: September, 2015
Product qualification: qualified through inspection
Product inventory: consult manufacturer
Product price: negotiate with the manufacturer
A block, hollow, or glazed surface made of clear or colored glass. At present the vitreous brick that go up in market, its breed basically has vitreous act the role of face brick and vitreous brocade brick (Mosaic) reach hollow vitreous brick to wait. Vitreous brick is being decorated the proportion that the market holds quite, be used at decorating commonly compare high-grade place, at building the atmosphere of full of beautiful things in eyes, additional, because the characteristic that vitreous product place has, the area that is used at daylighting and waterproof function is very much also.
Vitreous brick is the block that USES transparent or color vitreous makings to press shape, or hollow box shape, the vitreous product with larger bodily form. Its breed basically has vitreous hollow brick, vitreous solid brick, Mosaic does not include inside. Below most circumstance, vitreous brick is not used as facing material, use as structural material however, as wall body, screen, partition wait for similar function to use. Vitreous brick is being decorated the proportion that the market holds quite, be used at decorating the place with high-grade quite, at building full of beautiful things in eyes atmosphere, additional, because the characteristic that vitreous product place has, the area that is used at daylighting and waterproof function is very much also. Go up in market at present glass brick, basically divide solid glass and hollow glass brick from the type, its breed basically has vitreous act the role of face brick and vitreous brocade brick (Mosaic) reach vitreous hollow brick to wait.
Common specifications: conventional brick 190/190/80mm
Small brick 145/145/80 mm
145/145/190/190/95 mm thick brick, 95 mm)
Special specification brick (240*240*80mm,190*90*80mm
A block, hollow, or glazed surface made of clear or colored glass. At present the vitreous brick that go up in market, its breed basically has vitreous act the role of face brick and vitreous brocade brick (Mosaic) reach hollow vitreous brick to wait. Vitreous brick is being decorated the proportion that the market holds quite, be used at decorating the place with more high-grade commonly, at camp make the atmosphere of full of beautiful things in eyes, additional, because the characteristic that vitreous product place has, the area that is used at daylighting and waterproof function is very much also.
Common specifications:
Conventional brick 190/190/80 mm
Small brick 145/145/80 mm
145/145/190/190/95 mm thick brick, 95 mm
Special specification bricks 240/240/80mm,190/90/80mm
Market conditions
Although it is adornment material, but at present market USES more common basically be vitreous hollow brick, because this kind of product can become wall body independently, need not rely on before finishing to decorate, and, the shadow that can see vitreous hollow brick basically on each construction position. In recent years, with the completion of the 2008 water cube national aquatics stadium and the large number of applications of the 2010 Shanghai world expo joint pavilion, this product has become a popular interior and exterior decoration material.
Major categories
Go up in market at present glass brick, basically divide solid glass and hollow glass brick from the type, its breed basically has vitreous act the role of face brick and vitreous brocade brick (Mosaic) reach vitreous hollow brick to wait.
Glass facing brick
Facing brick is also called "sandwich tile", the design inspiration comes from the sandwich: it USES two pieces of transparent polymeric material made of pressure-resistant glass board to do "bread", the middle layer, can be matched at will, put in other materials, in this way, the whole facing brick will live up, especially suitable for the free play of the designer. Vitreous act the role of a face brick cannot leave wall body or the rely on of frame structure, must rely on ability of some one carrier to use, accordingly, application dosage is not very big, use commonly in the home outfit or the place such as place of entertainment that a few have special requirement.
Glass Mosaic tile
Introduce vitreous brocade brick to also call vitreous Mosaic, vitreous brocade brick is the material of a kind of small norms, basically apply the adornment at exterior metope, ground.
2. The size of the specification is generally 20 20 4mm, with a slightly concave back and a slope on the side around, which is conducive to bond with the base plane firmly.
3. Kind it and ceramic brocade brick have similar place on appearance and use method, have red, yellow, blue, white, gold, argent wait for all sorts of rich color, have transparent, translucent, opaque wait for breed.
4. Features the features of glass brocade brick are as follows:
(1) non-absorbent, smooth surface, easy to clean.
(2) economic, beautiful and practical.
(3) small size, light weight, simple and convenient construction.
Solid glass brick
Among solid glass brick by two pieces of circular sag of vitreous glue, for now, the domestic manufacturer of this kind of glass glass brick is a small workshop class factory, because this kind of brick quality is heavy, normally only paste on the wall or other reinforced frame structure attached to use, can only be used as interior decoration, wall body and, so use quantity is relatively small.
This brick is mostly used in KTV, bars and other entertainment occasions.
The color of solid vitreous brick is more, do not have interior decorative pattern mostly, still have the sort such as frosting.

The glass floor tile
Bo changes a brick, commonly known as vitreous floor tile, it is a kind of bright brick that the surface of complete body brick body passes burnish and become, belong to a kind of complete body brick.
The pottery and porcelain that bibulous rate is less than 0.5% calls bo to change a brick, polishing brick bibulous rate is less than 0.5% also belong to bo to change a brick (prep above 0.5% can be polishing brick is not bo to change a brick only), next bo changes a brick to undertake lens face is polished namely bo changes polishing brick, because bibulous rate is low, its hardness also is opposite higher, not easy have Nick.

Hollow glass brick
Introduce the hollow glass brick is a kind of sound insulation, heat insulation, waterproof, energy saving, good light transmission of non-bearing decorative materials, by two half blank in high temperature welding and become, according to the size of the glass brick, size, pattern, color to do different design table. The change according to dimension can design the glass wall that gives linear wall, curve wall and discontinuous wall in the home.

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手機:139 6410 5500

銷售熱線:139 6410 5500



